Saturday, August 31, 2024

Reading for September 7th

 Read 1 Kings 17.17-24. In verse 17: The women who was previously described as destitute is called the mistress of the house. This is one indication that the story in vv. 17-24 has been adapted from or influenced by the story about Elisha in 2 Kings 4.11-37. In verse 18: The woman implies that her son's death is divine punishment for some sin. In verse 19: The upper chamber is another element drawn from the story in 2 Kings 4, which explains how the chamber was built for the prophet. In verses 21-22: Elijah's actions suggest that life or "breath" went from Elijah's body into the boy's so that he revived. Examples of this kind of contact magic are found elsewhere from the ancient Near East.  The point of the story, however, is that this was the Lord's doing. Comments or Questions..

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