Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Reading for August 28th

 Read 1 Kings 14.19-31. In 14.19-31: The reigns of Jeroboam and Rehoboam. Most of these verses are the standard deuteronomistic formulas for kings. In verse 19: The Book of the Annuals of the kings of Israel no longer exists, so its exact nature is unknown. In verse 20; Slept with his ancestors is an idiom for death. In verses 21-24: The typical beginning formula for a king of Judah included the name of the "queen mother," the mother of the king. High places were shrines used for worship. Pillars were standing stones used in worship. The biblical writers connected them especially with service to other gods. On sacred poles, see comment on v. 15. In verses 25-26: Shishak (also called Shoshenq or Sheshonk) invaded Palestine around 922 BCE. His annals mentioned sites in Israel but not Jerusalem, apparently because Rehoboam paid him off. In verse 29: The Book of the Annals of the Kings of Judah also no longer exists. In verse 31: Ancestors is literally "fathers." Rehoboam is buried with the previous kings of Judah, as are subsequent kings as well, in the city of David. The location of these tombs is not known, but was probably not within the walls of Jerusalem. Comments or Questions..

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