Thursday, August 15, 2024

Reading for August 21st

 Read 1 Kings12.1-15. In 12.1-24: The division of the kingdom. In verses 2-3a: These verses are contradicted by v. 20, in which Jeroboam does not return until after the succession of the northern tribes. Verses 2-3a are not in the Greek (Septuagint LXX) version of 1 Kings and are probably a secondary scribal gloss. In verse 10: My fathers loins is a euphemism. Rehoboam is saying that he is more of a man than his father so that the people can expect hasher treatment from him than from Solomon. In verse 11: Rehoboam makes the same point here, where scorpions may refer to a particularly vicious kind of whip. In verse 12: Jeroboam's name is secondary here, having been added under the influence of  vv. 2-3a. In verse 15: The author interprets the events is explicitly theological terms as the Lord's doing to fulfill Ahijah's oracle in 11.29-39. Comments or Questions..

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