Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Reading for September 4th

 Read 1 Kings 16.21-28. In 16.21-28: Omri of Israel. In verses 21-22: The civil war described here was between two other military commanders, Omri and Tibni, with Omri eventually being victorious. In verse 24: Omri's acquisition of Samaria and his designation of it as his capital was similar to David's acquisition and establishment of Jerusalem as his capital. In verse 25-28: Historically, Omri was one of the most powerful and important kings of Israel. He founded a dynasty that lasted through five kings. Israel was known by other countries as the "house of Omri" for generations after Omri's death. The fact that the deuteronomist disposes of Omri in just a few verses using the same formulas as foe all other kings indicates that his interests are primarily theological rather than historical. Comments or Questions..

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