Friday, August 9, 2024

Reading for August 16th

 Read 1 Kings 8.15-28. In verses  15-22: The Millo probably meaning "fill," seems to have been earthwork connecting the Temple area to the palace complex on the south. Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer (v.15) were all important administrative centers for Solomon. The Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites (v. 20) are names the Bible uses for different native Canaanite peoples. They are familiar from the book of Genesis (Gen 15.19-20). The claim (v. 22) that Solomon did not force Israelites to work in his levy of slaves seems contradicted by 5.13;11.28 and the events in ch. 12. In verse 24: Pharaoh's daughter is a subtheme in chs. 1-11 (see 3.1;9.16) that leads up to the report of his sin in ch.11. In verses 26-28: The location of Ophar is unknown, it may have been in southern Arabia. On the weight of a talent see comment on v. 14. Comments or Questions..

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