Thursday, August 1, 2024

Reading for August 8th

 Read 1 Kings 7.13-26. In 7.13-51: The bronze furnishings of the Temple. In verses 13-14: This Hiram is not the king but a craftsman. 2 Chronicles 2.12-13 calls him Huram-Abi. Skill, literally "wisdom." This word may also mean skill at a particular craft, and that is doubtless as nuance here. In verses 15-22: The two pillars had some symbolic meaning that is no longer clear.  Their names, Jachin ("the establishes") and Boaz ("in him is strength") may represent the Lord's foundation of the earth or sacred trees (v. 21). In verses 23-26: The molten sea possibly represented the primeval chaos which the Lord had defeated before making the world, in one version of creation. Another possibility is that the molten sea represents the primeval deep out of which the Lord created the universe, according to Gen 1. The twelve oxen on which it stood (v. 25) were fertility symbols. Comments or Questions..

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