Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Reading for August 20th

 Read 1 Kings 11.26--41. In verse 26: Jeroboam was Solomon's third adversary. In verse 27: The reason he rebelled against Solomon was Ahijah's oracle (vv. 29-39) promising him kingship over the northern tribes. In verses 29-32: One tribe is either missing or presumed in Ahijah's symbolic division of the kingdom, since Jeroboam receives ten pieces and only one of the twelve pieces is kept for David. Different scholars have proposed that the tribes of Benjamin, Simeon, or Levi are assumed to accompany Judah. In verse 36: The word translated lamp can refer to a "fiefdom" or minor domain. In verses 37-38; Jeroboam receives the same promise of an enduring dynasty that was given to David. if he will be obedient to Yahweh. In verse 40: It is not clear how Solomon found out about Ahijah's oracle to Jeroboam. In verses 41-43 This is typical of the concluding notices the Deuteronomist supplies for the reign of kings. The Book of the Acts of Solomon is no longer extant. Forty years (v. 42) is a round number for the length of a generation. that Solomon slept with the ancestors is an idiomatic way of saying that he died. Comments or Questions..

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