Sunday, August 25, 2024

Reading for September 1st

 Read 1 Kings 15.33-16.7. In 15.33-16.7: Baasha of Israel. In 15.34: The sin that (Jeroboam) caused is real to commit was the worship at the shrines of Dan and Bethel (12.25-33). In 16.1-4: This oracle predicts the demise of the house of Baasha in terms very similar to the one against Jeroboam in 14.7-11. Both are likely the work of the deuteronomist. In verse 7: This very verse seems secondary because it is repetitive of vv. 1-4 and because it follows the closing formula for Baasha in vv. 5-6. The last clause, and also because he destroyed it has been understood by some as "even though he destroyed "(the house of Jeroboam)". Comments or Questions..

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