Saturday, September 21, 2024

Reading for September 28th

 Read Luke 2.41--52. In 2.41-52: The child Jesus in the Temple. His is the only story in the New Testament about Jesus' childhood beyond birth. The apocryphal "infancy Gospels" tell other stories which are thorough fictions. In verse 41: Passover (Ex 12.1-27) was a major occasion for pilgrimages to Jerusalem, and in Luke, Jesus does not return to Jerusalem until his last Passover (19.28-48; 22.1). In verse 46: Jesus' engagement with the teachers in the temple foreshadows later encounters where their opposition will be evident (20.20-21, 27-28, 39-40; 21.5-7; 22.53). In verses 48-49 Luke regards Joseph as Jesus' earthly father (your father and I, see also 2.27, 33, 41), but the evangelist is emphatic about God agency in Jesus' conception so that Jesus is God's son and the Temple is his Father's house (see also 3.22-23). In verse 52: This concluding "growth refrains" again echoes 1 Samuel 2 and the story of John (1.80). Comments or Questions..

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