Sunday, September 8, 2024

Reading for September 15th

 Read 1 Kings 21.1-29. In 21.1-29: Naboth's vineyard. In verse 1: Naboth's vineyard was in Jezreel, while the royal palace was in Samaria. The phrase of Samaria was probably added later by a scribe who was influence by the David and Bath-sheba story in 2 Sam 11-12. The story is set in Jezreel where Ahab had another palace. In verse 3: Israelite law forbade the sale of one's ancestral inheritance in perpetuity (Lev 25.23-28). In verses 8-14: Jezebel's actions show a keen awareness of Israelite law, which required two witnesses in capital cases (Deut 17.6) and condemned blasphemy (Lev 24.10-23) and speaking against the king (Ex 22.28). Her plot against Naboth is not done in ignorance of Israelite tradition but in spite of it. Comments or Questions..

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