Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Reading for October 2nd

 Read Luke 4.1-13. In 4.1-13: The testing of the Son of God. Jesus' obedience to God is proved in terms well known from Israel's heritage. In verse 1: The Holy Spirit remains with God's anointed (see 3.22). In verse 2: Moses and Elijah also fasted for forty days (Ex 34.28; Deut 9.9, 18; 1 Kings 19.8). In verses 4-12: Each of the tree tests concludes with Jesus' quotation of Deuteronomy (v. 4, Deut 8.3; v. 8, Deut 6.13; v. 12, Deut 6.16). When tested, Jesus proves to be the faithful Son of God, even as Israel was proved unfaithful during the 40 years in the wilderness (Deut 8.2-5), The devil rarely appears so directly in biblical narrative, here (vv. 10-11) quoting Ps 91, which actually counsels trusting God, not testing. In verse 13: The devil's departure until an opportune time anticipates the "opportunity" to betray Jesus in 22.3-6. Comments or Questions..

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