Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Reading for September 25th

 Read Luke 1.57-80. In 1.57-80 The birth and presentation of John. In verse 59: Elizabeth and Zechariah are again fully observant of the law to circumcise John on the eighth day (Gen 17.12; Lev 12.3). In verse 62: Motioning suggests they are coaxing a message from him in his limited means of communicating (1.22). In verses 63-64: Obedience to the angel's naming the child John (1.13) restores his speech and praise of God. In verses 66-67: "What then will this child become?" is a question of faith (see 1.18, 34), prompting Zechariah's answer inspired by prophecy. In verses 68-79: Zechariah's prophecy is sung in Christian worship as the "benedictus" ("Blessed be ...") Jewish prayers often pronounced a blessing on God for wonderful deeds (Ps 41.13; 72.18; 106.48). In verse 69: The savior promised here is literally the horn of salvation (see 2.11) from which a Davidic king was anointed (1 Sam 2.10; Ps 18.2; 132.17). In verse 76: John was the prophet of the Most High to do the anointing (see Acts 10.37-38), and Jesus was the Son of the Most High (1.32). In verse 78: The dawn from on high is a promise of liberation from darkness of captivity (Mal 4.2; Ps 107.10; Is 42.7). In verse 80: Luke's "growth refrain" (the child grew ...) echoes 1 Sam 1.21, 26 and is repeated twice for Jesus (Lk 2.40, 52). Comments or Questions..

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