Friday, September 20, 2024

Reading for September 27th

 Read 2.21-40. In 2.21-40 The circumcision and presentation of Jesus. In verses 21-24: In circumcising and naming Jesus on the eighth day and again at the purification, Joseph and Mary obey the law and the command of the angel (Lev 12.4-8; Lk 1.59; 2.39). In verse 25: The consolation of Israel and the redemption of Jerusalem (v. 38) are formal terms expressing the hope of the righteous and devout in God's promises to Israel (see also 23.50-51; 24.21). Simeon is emphatically credited with the presence of the Holy Spirit (vv. 25, 26,27), and the major struggle of plot of Luke's story is disclosed in his two oracles. In verses 28-32: Simeon's first oracle is a blessing of God, declaring the significance of the child in God's thoroughly positive purpose to fulfill Israel's calling (see Isa 49.6; 52.10) to be a light to the gentiles (all non-Jewish peoples). Acts 1.6-8 also recalls Isa 49.6. In verse 34: Simeon's second oracle is a severe blessing of Jesus' human parents, declaring Jesus as destined or "set" by God for both judgment and hope in Israel because of the opposition this child will evoke as the sign (see also 2.12; Isa 8.18) or God's purpose. In verse 35: God's initiative will uncover people's inner thought or secret purposes, provoking suffering. In verses 36-37: Anna's credentials as a prophet and a widow (see Acts 2.18; 6.1) complement Simeon's. Comments or Questions..

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