Monday, September 16, 2024

Reading for September 23rd

 Read Luke 1.26-38. In 1.26-38: The announcement of Jesus' birth. In verse 26: This is the sixth month of Elizabeth's miraculous pregnancy (see 1.24). In verse 27: Isa 7.4 prophesied that a virgin (Heb., "young woman") will bear a son (see Mt 1.22-23). In verse 28: To be a favored one is to be blessed by God and chosen for a special role (1.25, 30). In verse 31: Jesus is a form of the common Hebrew name Joshua ("he saves," see Mt 1.21). In verses 32-33: The angel declares Jesus "greatness" as fulfillment of God's promises to David and his kingdom (Ps 2; Isa 9.6-7; 2 Sam 7.12- 14). In verse 34: Mary's question, "How can this be ?" is echoed as trust and wonder in her acceptance in v. 38, "Let it be" (compare 1.18). In verse 35: God's holy spirit and power overshadow Israel like a cloud to protect them from harm and shield them from God's holiness (Ex 19.16; 40.35; Lk 9.34). So also Mary is protected in a divine conception (see 2.38-49). In verse 36: Elizabeth's pregnancy in her old age is a confirming sign. In verse 37: Nothing will be impossible with God echoes God's word to Sarah's laughter about her pregnancy (Gen 18.11-15). Comments or Questions.

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