Saturday, September 28, 2024

Reading for October 5th

Read Luke 5.1-11. In 5.1-11: The call of Simon. This story resembles several biblical accounts of the call of a leader of Israel when the wonder and power of God is revealed in the midst of ordinary circumstances (Ex 3, Moses; Judg 6, Gideon; Isa 6.6, Isaiah). In verse 1: The lake of Gennesaret is another name for the sea of Galilee. In verse 3: Mk 4.1-2 and Mt 13.1-22 also report that Jesus teaches from a boat. In verse 8: In the presence of divine power. In verses 10-11: Matthew and Mark report the call of Simon, James, and John (plus Andrew) at the very beginning of Jesus' ministry (Mt 4.18-22; Mk 1.16-20). Comments or Questions.. 

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