Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Reading for September 18th

 Read 1 Kings 22/13- 23. In verses 13-14: Micaiah's unlike the court prophets, cannot speak what he wishes or what the king wants to hear, but only what the the Lord says to him. In verse 15: Micaiah's first response agrees completely with that of the court prophets. He may, in fact, be mimicking them. In verse 16: The king of Israel recognizes Micaiah's insincerity and adjures him to speak the truth in the name of the Lord. In verse 17: The image of a king as a shepherd was common in the ancient Near East (2 Sam 5.2). The sheep are without a shepherd in Micaiah's vision because the king has died. In verse 19: The Lord is depicted as a king sitting on his throne surrounded by his council of advisers, here called the host of heaven. In verse 20: This is the only time in the story proper that the king of Israel is identified as Ahab. The council deliberates how to entice him to go to Ramoth-gilead where he will fall, that is be killed. In verses 21-23: A spirit or "breath" steps forward and volunteers to deceive Ahab as a lying spirit in the mouth of his prophets. Comments or Questions..

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