Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Reading for March 20th

 Read 1 Samuel 20.1-17. In 20.1-42: The covenant of David and Jonathan. In verse 2; Jonathan is unaware that Saul has tried to kill David and still believes that his father would not act without first consulting him. In verse 5: The new moon in ancient Israel was a day of sacrificing and feasting. In verse 8: Jonathan asks David to deal kindly or "loyally" with him. The term implies faithfulness to a treaty, and Jonathan goes onto mention the covenant between them. In verse 13: The Lord do so to Jonathan, and more also: Jonathan swears that he will warn David. Jonathan's wish that the Lord be with David as he was with Saul suggests that David will be king. In verses 14-15: Faithful love also means "loyalty." My house means Jonathan's descendants. David's oath of loyalty to Jonathan's house anticipates the account of his treatment of Jonathan's son in 2 Sam 9.16: The enemies of David include Saul. In verse 17: Love again expresses political loyalty. Comments or Questions..

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