Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Reading for April 3rd

 Read 1 Samuel 27.1-28.2. In 27.1-28.2; David with the Philistines. In verses 3-4:David is driven by Saul's pursuits to flee to the Philistines. Achish is the same character as in 21.10. But the two passages are in tension, since David would not have gone to Achish after pretending to be mad in 21.10-15. In verse 6: It was common for kings to give grants of land to faithful servants. In this case Achish also benefited because Ziklag, guarded the southern frontier of Philistine territory. In verse 8; The mention of the Amalekites stands in tension with ch. 15 where they are all killed. In verse 10: The Negeb is the southern wilderness area of Palestine. Kenites should be read as "Kenizzites." They and the Jerahmelites were clans of within Judah. David was attacking other peoples and fooling Achish by telling him that he had attacks parts of Judah. In verse 12: Achish felt confident of David's loyalty because he thought David had alienated himself from his own people. In 28.2: Then you shall know what your servant can do has a double meaning. Achish thinks David is saying that he will show his potential against Israel. David is actually saying that in the heat of battle Achish will find out David remains loyal to Israel. Comments or Questions..

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