Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Reading for April 4th

 Read 1 Samuel 1 Samuel 28.3-7. In 28.3-25: Saul consults a ghost. In verse 3: Mediums and wizards are often used in conjunction and refer to devices used to communicate with the dead. Such practices are condemned by the law in Duet 18.10. In verse 4: Shunem and Gilboa locate the site of the battle near the Jezreel Valley,  far north of the Negeb where the previous stories were set. In verse 6: Three means of divining were dreams, or incubation, in which one expected the answer to an inquiry to be given at night, in a dream, often when one slept at a holy place; Urim, or lots, which have been used earlier in 1 Samuel; and prophets, like the man of God in 9.1-10.16. In verse 7:a woman who is a medium literally means "a woman of (who deals with) spirits," using the word translated "medium" in v. 3. Comments or Questions..

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