Monday, March 4, 2024

Reading for March 12th

 Read 1 Samuel 17.12-27. In verse 12: The Ephrathites ere a subgroup within the Calebite clan which was part of Judah. In verses 14-15: Here, David is a shepherd boy running errands for his father rather than a warrior already in the army as in 16.14-23. In verse 16: In this supplementary version of the story, the Philistine had been challenging the Israelites for forty six days, while in the initial version David fights him, the first time he comes out. In verse 17: An ephah was about half a  bushel. In verse 18: Some token refers to a personal effect that would indicate the the brothers had received the gift from their father and that they were well. In verse 26: David's courage comes from his recognition that the Lord will help him because the Philistine has reproached the Living God. Comments or Questions..

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