Saturday, March 2, 2024

Reading for March 10th

 Read 1 Samuel 16.14-25. In 16.14-25: David comes to Saul's court. In verse 14: The contrast between David and Saul continues. The spirit of the Lord came upon David (v. 13) but left Saul. In its place Saul is tormented by an evil spirit from the Lord. This may be an ancient way of describing mental illness. The theological point is that the Lord has abandoned Saul. In verse 16: The lyre was a hand-held stringed instrument. Musicians were used in the ancient world to ward off evil spirits. In verse 18: A man of valor is a "noble-man." In 9.1 the same expression is translated "a man of wealth." prudent in speech" or "skilled of speech" implies both eloquence and cleverness. The Lord is with him expresses a central theme of the David story, which has its beginnings in this text. In verse 19: David's role as a sphered again hints at his future as king. In verse 21: The word "love" expressed not only affection but also loyalty. Because Saul loved [David] greatly he established a relationship with him and made a commitment to him, appointed him as his armor-bearer, which indicates David's skill as a warrior. Comments or Questions..

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