Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Reading for July 31st

 Read 1 Kings 3.1-15. In 3.1-15: Solomon's gift of wisdom. In  verse 1: A marriage alliance was a treaty sealed with a marriage, a common practice in the ancient Near East. This verse anticipates 11.1, where foreign women prove to be Solomon's undoing. In verses 2-4: High places were raised platforms where worship took place. They are usually condemned in the Bible. But these verses explain that the use of them during Solomon's early reign, especially his use of the one at Gibeon, was permissible since the Temple had not yet been built. Solomon's actions here may be a dream incubation-away of seeking divine revelation through a dream at that god's shrine. In verses 5-9: Solomon's reference to himself as a little child (v.7) expresses his feelings of being overwhelmed by his responsibility as king and is not to be taken literally. He requests an understanding mind in order to govern (lit., "judge") the numerous people of Israel. In verses 10-14: The Lord grants Solomon request and promises him wealth as well. Thus,  Solomon's traditional wisdom and magnificence are explained as gifts from God. Comments or Questions..

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