Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Reading for July 17th

 Read Revelation 20.7-10. In 20.7-10: The battle against Satan. The persistence of evil is symbolized by the release of Satan, who is still able to gather an army and march against the camp of the saints. In verse 8: Gog and Magog as well as the general scenario, are drawn from Ezek 37-48. In verse 9: The fire ... from heaven recalls both the sign of the false prophet/beast (13.13) and the deliverance of the true prophet Elijah (2 Kings 1.10); another image for God's word (2 Esd 13.10, 38). Again these is no portrayal of a battle (see 16.7). In verse 10: The lake of fire, see 19.20. Comments or Questions..

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