Monday, July 29, 2024

Reading for August 5th

Read 1 Kings 6.1-13. In 6.1-38: Temple building. In verse 1: The fourth year of Solomon's reign would be about 960 BCE,  placing the date of the Exodus at 1440. But the four hundred eightieth year is probably an artificial number, perhaps representing twelve generations using the traditional round number of forty years for a generation. The month of Ziv was in the spring (April-May). In verse 2: A cubit was about eighteen inches. In verses 3-5: The basic design of the building with its three main parts-have translated the vestibule, nave, and inner sanctuary was typical of the style of temples in ancient Syria and Phoenicia. In verse 7: Iron tools were forbidden for the construction of altars (Deut 27.5; Josh 8.31).  Something of the same probation may have been at work in the Temple building. In verses 11-13: These verses are in typical deuteronomistic language. They make the promise to David and Yahweh's presence among the people conditional upon Solomon's obedience. Comments or Questions..

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