Saturday, July 27, 2024

Reading for August 3rd

 Read 1 Kings 4.22-34. In verses 22-28: A cor (v.22) was about eleven bushels. From Dan to Beer-sheba (v. 25) marked the traditional boundaries of Israel and Judah. The expression all of them under their vine and fig trees was an idiom for tranquility and agricultural prosperity. In verses 29-34: Solomon's legendary wisdom is said to exceed that of the people of the east, which is probably a reference to Mesopotamia (roughly modern Iraq), and of Egypt (v. 30), the two great civilizations of the ancient Near East. Wisdom in the sense used here involved not only wise judgment but also the composition of wisdom literature, such as Proverbs, and the observation of the natural world (vv. 32-33). Comments or Questions..

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