Saturday, July 20, 2024

Reading for July 27th

 Read 1 Kings 2.1-9. In 2.1-26: Solomon deals with his rivals.. In verses 1-4: David's charge to Solomon is in deuteronomistic style and is typical the charges that one leader gives to another in the Deuteronomistic History, especially Moses' charge to Joshua and the people (Deut 4.40; 32.23). In verses 5-9: David's orders justify Solomon's actions in the rest of the chapter. He is told to execute Joab because of Joab's murders of Abner (2 Sam 3.26-30) and Amasa (2 Sam 20.4-10). However these murders were committed years earlier, so that punishing Joab at this point makes little sense. Solomon's true motive for Joab's on was political--Joab had supported Adonijah. Sheol (v. 6) was the abode of the dead. Barzilli had helped David when he fled from Absalom (2 Sam 17.27), and David had promised to take care of Brarzilli's son as a reward (2 Sam 19.31-40). Shimei had cursed David when he fled from Absalom (2 Sam 16.5-8) and then apologized when David returned victorious (2 Sam 19.16-23). 

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