Monday, December 31, 2018

Reading for January 8th

Read Mark 10.1-16. 1-12 (Mt 5.31-32; 19.1-12; Lk 16.18) Marriage and divorce.
In verse 2 Pharisees accepted divorce but debated acceptable reasons for it.
In verses 3-4 see Deut 24.1-4.
In verse 12 sources from the Diaspora indicate Jewish women could and did sue for divorce.
Some of the Dead Sea scrolls also forbid divorce, and certainly forbid polygamy, by appeal to Gen 2.
Mark leaves open the possibility of separation, as long as no remarriage takes place.
In verses 13-16 (Mt 19.13-15; Lk 18.15-17) Blessing children.
See 9.36; Mark continues to contrast the ideal of the little child with the behavior of the disciples.
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