Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Reading for January 3rd

Read Mark 8.27-9.1. 27-33 (Mt 16.13-23; Lk 9.18-22):
Revelation at Caesarea Philippi.
Caesarea Philippi, in northern Galilee, borders Jewish and gentile areas.
In verse 29 Messiah, a Hebrew term meaning "anointed," is equivalent to the Greek term "Christ."
In verse 31 first of three passion predictions (9.30-32; 10.33-34).
In verses 32-33 Jesus speaks plainly of suffering but otherwise speaks in parables;
Peter rejects the idea that the messiah will suffer and die.
In verse 8.34-9.1 (Mt 16.24-28; Lk 9.23-27):
Disciples must reject human standards and personal glory (8.32-33).
In verse 38 adulterous is prophetic language for idolatry and the international alliances
that often accompany it (see Hosea).
Verses 8.35 and 10.31 frame the internal section by emphasizing contrasts in values
and the model of the little child.
The same themes repeat in 10.35-45.
In verse 9.1 Mark expects the "parousia," the return of Jesus in judgment, during his generation.
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