Monday, December 24, 2018

Reading for January 1st

Read Mark 7.24-37. 24-30 (Mt 15.21-28): The Syrophoenician woman.
The gentile woman's detailed identification may indicate her high social standing (contrast Mt 15.22).
In verse 27 Jesus' mission is to the children: The reference likely is to Israel, as opposed to gentiles.
In verse 29 in Matthew's account, Jesus rewards her faith; here he acknowledges her cleverness.
The woman makes no confession concerning Jesus' messianic status; she may regard him as a wonder-worker.
In verses 31-37 (Mt 15.29-31): Healings in the Decapolis.
In verses 32-35 Jesus' actions resemble magical techniques; elsewhere he heals by word alone.
In verse 36 Again the command to secrecy fails.
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