Sunday, December 16, 2018

Reading for December 24th

Read Mark 5.1-20 (Mt 8.28-34; Lk 8.26-39) Gerasene demoniac.
Gerasa is in the Decapolis, a league of ten cities with mixed Jewish and gentile populations.
In verses 6-7 again, demons recognize Jesus' identity (1.24) while disciples and
family members frequently do not.
In verse 9 a legion (a Latin term) consisted of four to six thousand soldiers in the Roman army;
the name given to demons suggests negative views of the empire.
In verse 17 fear stems from both Jesus' extraordinary powers and the threat of additional
economic loss.
In verse 9 rather than command secrecy, Jesus mandates a proclamation;
the announcement is made in the Decapolis rather than the primarily Jewish Galilee or Judea.
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