Friday, December 21, 2018

Reading for December 28th

Read Mark 6.14-29 (Mt 14.1-12; Lk 9.7-9) The death of John.
Herod Antipas, the son of Herod the Great (see Mt 2) was tetrarch, not king, of Galilee and Perea.
In verse 16 Mark recounts the Baptist's death as a flashback.
In verse 18 marriage of one woman to two living brothers is forbidden (Lev 18.16; 20.21).
In verse 22 Josephus names the daughter Salome.
Girl is the term describing Jairus's twelve-year old daughter. (5.42).
There is an implicit contrast between the ruler Jairus's family and that of the tetrarch Antipas:
one receives life; the other brings death.
In verses 24-26 (vv. 19-20): Mark seeks to exonerate Antipas.
In verse 29 John's disciples prove more loyal than the twelve.
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