Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Reading for July 26th

Read Hosea 9.10-11.7 Images of a rebellious people.
With a series of images taken from Israel's agricultural and family context-grapes and figs,
a young palm tree, a vine, a female calf, a son-Hosea highlights Israel's past potential and
present waywardness.
In verses 9.10-12 the comparison of Israel to grapes and figs begins with images of fertility
and a new harvest and concludes with images of infertility and barrenness.
In verse 10 Baal-peor is a site east of the Jordan where the Israelites once worshiped Baal
(Num 25.1-5).
In verses 13-17 Israel is compared to a young palm with great potential (v. 13) whose roots dry up and whose fruit fails (v.16).
In verse 15 Gilgal, the site where Israel entered Canaan (Josh 4.19-20), is criticized by Hosea for its false worship (4.15).
In verse 17 Hosea refers here and elsewhere (5.13-14;10.14) to Israelites deported by conquering countries, a practice of the Assyrians described also by Israel's historian (2 Kings 15.29; 17.6).
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