Monday, July 2, 2018

Reading for July 10th

Read Colossians 4.7-18 Epistolary closing.
A re-emphasis on the importance of maturity and commendation of persons firmly entrenched in the ethos of the new dominion.
In verses 7-10 Tychichus, Aristarchus, see Acts 20.4.
In verse 14 see Philem 23.
In verse 15 Nympha: Some manuscripts treat Nympha as a female name, others as a male name, perhaps because of a scribe who did not consider the possibility of a woman's owning a house, though the patronage of women in early Christianity is generally accepted.
In verse 16 the letter from Laodicea is lost, though Marcion, an early Christian writer who died around 160 CE, thought it was our letter to the Ephesians.
In verse 17 Archippus, see Philem 2.
In verse 18 a scribe would have written the letter, with the author approving the dictation
in his own hand.
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