Thursday, July 12, 2018

Reading for July 20th

Read Hosea 6.4-11 Israel's disloyalty.
God emphasizes Israel's lack of covenant loyalty (v. 7), concluding with the image
of prostitution (v. 10) that runs through the book.
In verse 6 steadfast love translates the Hebrew word "hesed," which describes
loyalty to a relationship.
Hosea's emphasis on right behavior rather than empty ritual is characteristic of
prophetic thought (Am 5.21-24).
In verses 7-10 the violent crime described here cannot be identified.
Adam may refer to a city near the Jordan River (Josh 3.16).
Gilead, located wast of the Jordan, was the home of a band of men who assassinated
Israel's king, Pekahiah (2 Kings 15.25).
Shechem, Israel's first capital, was one of its most important cities.
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