Monday, July 16, 2018

Reading for July 24th

Read Hosea 8.7-9.4
In verse 8.13 when Hosea describes Israel's punishment as a return to Egypt, he reverses the
Exodus (2.15; 9.3; Ex 1-15), in which god delivered Israel from slavery.
In verse 9.1 since threshing floors are sites for worship (2 Sam 24.24-25), Hosea denounces
Israel's worship of Baal there.
The prostitute's pay to which he refers is likely the grain harvest Israel attributed to
Baal rather than to God (2.8).
In verse 4 mourners' bread may be translated literally in two ways: either "bread of sorrow,"
referring to bread eaten in exile (9.3), or "bread of idolatry," referring to Israel's
sacrifices that God has rejected.
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