Monday, July 30, 2018

Reading for August 7th

Read Thessalonians 2.17-3.13 Separation and end-time orientation.
Paul tells of his separation and turn from sorrow to joy:
Because the church has survived, Paul will present them at the coming of the Lord as his joyful reward (2.17-20).
Timothy's visit encourages the congregation and Paul (3.1-8).
A third section (3.9-13) returns to the theme of joy, along with a prayer that the congregation will grow more in the present and will be found blameless at the Lord's coming.
In verse 3.8 stand, one of several military terms in this letter.
In verses 11-13 a hinge between the previous mention of the Lord's coming (2.19) and later themes of love (3.4, 9-12), holiness (3.13; 4.3), and the Lord's coming (4.11; 5.11).
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