Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Reading fpr May 3rd

 Read Genesis 6.1-4. In 6.1-4: The origins of a legendary line of giant warriors. In verse 1-2: This brief story portrays the breaking of the created boundary between heaven and earth. Divine beings called the sons of God cross the boundary and have sexual intercourse with human daughters. In verse 3: God decides to place tighter limits on the length of human life. Before this, individuals had lived for over 900 years (5.5, 8). In this next stage, humans will live no more than 120 years. Later biblical tradition will declare the typical limit of human life to be 70-80 years which is closer to our normal experience (Ps 90.10). The advancing power of death accompanies the appearance of human sin. In verse 4: The Nephilim were remembered as a superman race of legendary warriors born of mixed human and divine parents. Later in Israel's history, Israelite spies will report seeing the giant Nephilim warriors in the land of Canaan (Num 13.32-33). Comments and Questions...

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