Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Reading for April 27th

 Read Genesis 3.1-13. In 3.1-24: A serpent's temptation and human disobedience. In verse 1: The serpent is not an alien being but simply one of the garden's more intelligent and crafty animals that the Lord God had made. In verse 3: The woman repeats the command given by God in 2.17 but then attaches her own additional prohibition, nor shall you touch it. Once she disobeys her own prohibition (Touching the fruit), it will be easier to take the next step and disobey God's prohibition (eating the fruit). In verses 4-6: The serpent assures the woman that you will not die. In an odd way, the serpent will be correct. God will not cause the humans to die "in the day that you eat it." However, the humans will come to know good and evil by experiencing new intensities of pain as consequence of their rebellion. The man's quick willingness to eat the forbidden fruit along with  the woman suggests equal responsibility for the disobedient act. In verse 7: The humans now know that they were naked. They experience shame and the pain of an intimate human bond that has been broken. The innocence, trust, and openness of their former relationship must now be hidden behind clothes made of fig leaves. The prickly fig leaves would make for uncomfortable clothing. In verse 8: The portrait of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the evening implies God's close relationship and involvement with the creation. God's closeness contrasts with the humans' sudden desire for distance as they hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God. Comments or Questions..

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