Saturday, April 8, 2023

Reading for April 16th

 Read 1 Thessalonians 2.13-16. In 2.13-16: The suffering of the Thessalonians. The anti-Jewish tone is uncharacteristic of Paul, but there is no evidence that it was inserted later., it is not directed to the Jews. Debate and angry arguments between Jews occur in Jewish writings of the time (see Josephus Antiquities 1.15.91; Philo, Cherubim17). Paul's point is his ministry's success despite opposition. This passage functions like a hinge in reminding the Thessalonians how they suffered in receiving the word (2.14; see 1.6) and in foreshadowing Paul's account of his separation from the community (2.17-3.13). In verse 16: God's wrath perhaps an actual event, but given the survival of the Judean churches and the Thessalonians, more likely that God at last has prevented opponents (some Jews or some gentiles) from destroying them. Comments or Questions..

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