Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Reading for March 16th

 Read Zechariah 8.1-23. In 8.1-23: A promise of restoration. In this second part of his final speech, Zechariah includes many of the typical themes of post-exilic prophecy: the renewal of Jerusalem (vv. 2-5), the return of the exiles (vv. 6-8), the rebuilding of the Temple (vv. 9-13), and the  respect of the nations (vv. 20-23). In verse 6: The remnant refers to the exiles who are returning to Judah (vv. 7-8; Hag 1.12). to these returnees the process of reconstruction seems impossible (4.10; Hag 2.3). In verse 9: Laying the Temple's foundation is described in Haggai 1.12-14 and Zec 5.1-2. In verse 10: The difficult times described have appear to reflect those mentioned by Haggai (1.2-11). In verse 17: False oaths are a major concern in Zechariah's sixth vision (5.1-4). In verse 19; Though not addressed directly to those who had asked Zechariah about mourning rituals (7.3), this speech instructs the people to substitute festivals of celebration for fasting, In verses 22-23: The conversion of the nations is a common theme in the post-exilic period (Isa 60.1-7; Mic 4.1-4). Comments or Questions..

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