Thursday, March 30, 2023

Reading for April 7th

 Read Malachi 1.1-5. In 1.1: Title: Malachi meaning "my messenger" is either the name of the individual or a title selected for the author of this prophetic collection on the basis of 3.1. In verses 2-5: Edom's ruins. For those who think their modest efforts at the reconstruction of Judah do not reflect God's presence or love, the uninhabited ruins of the neighbor Edom are a stark reminder of God's real absence and anger. In verse 2; Esau, Edom's ancestor ancestor, was the brother of Jacob, Israel's  ancestor (Gen 25.21-34). In verses 3-4: God's destruction of Edom is viewed elsewhere as punishment for Edom's participation in the sacking of Jerusalem when it was conquered by the Babylonians (Obadiah; Ps 137.7-8). Comments or Questions..

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