Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Reading for April 6th

 Read Colossians 4.7-18. In 4.7-18:Epistolary closing. A reemphasis on the importance of maturity and commendation of persons firmly entrenched in the ethos of the new dominion. In verses 7-10: Tychichus, Aristarchus, see Acts 20.14. In verse 14: See Philem 23. In verse 15: Nymphia: Some manuscripts treat Nympha as a female name, others as a male name perhaps because a scribe who did not consider the possibility of a woman's owning a house, though the patronage of a women in early Christianity is generally accepted. In verse 16: The letter from Laodicea is lost, though Maricon, an early Christian writer who died around 160 CE, thought it was our letter to the Ephesians. In verse 17: Archippus, see Philem 2. In verse18: A scribe would have written the letter, with the author approving the dictation in his own hand. Comments or Questions..

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