Thursday, April 4, 2019

Reading for April 12th

Read Acts 2.14-28
In 2.14-47: Peter's sermon at Pentecost.
In verse 14-16 Peter's speech directly answers the question, "What does this mean?" (v. 12) through an extended scriptural interpretation.
In verses 17-21: These verses correspond very closely to the book of Joel (2.28-32) as it survives in the Greek version known as the Septuagint (LXX).
In the last days (LXX: "afterward") could mean "at the end of time" or in the time before the restoration of the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem (Joel 3.1; Acts 1.6-8).
The pouring out of God's spirit signifies the renewal of prophecy among men and women.
In verses 23-29 will identify Jesus as the "lord" in whose name salvation is given.
In verse 22: Israelites (v. 29) includes all Jews who claim the promises God made to Israel.
By means of the deed or power, wonders and signs (Lk 24.19; Acts 10.38), Jesus is attested as the true prophet (Deut 18; Acts 3.22).
In verse 23: Luke consistently attests that Jesus' death occurred through God's definite plan and foreknowledge; Israel's active complicity, and the direct agency of the gentiles, or those outside the law (4.27-28).
In verses 25-28: David is regarded as the author of Psalm 16.8-11.
Hades is the realm of the dead (Lk 10.15; 16.23).
The Holy One was Israel's anointed king, "set apart" for God.
Comments or Questions..

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