Sunday, December 29, 2024

Reading for January 5th

 Read 2 Kings 14.11-29. In verse 13: A cubit was about 18 inches, so 400 cubits is about 200 yards. The wall of the city was essential for its protection. In verse 19: Lachish was an important fortress and city about 25 miles southwest of Jerusalem. In verse 22: Elath was an important port city at the tip of the Gulf of Aqaba. Amaziah was able to rebuild and restore it to Judah after he defeated Edom (v. 7). In verse 25: Lebo-hamath represented the idealized northern border of Israel in northern Syria as described for Solomon (1 Kings 8.65). The Sea of the Arabah was the Dead Sea. Jonah was the prophet about whom the book of Jonah was written. The oracles referred to here, however, are not recorded. In verse 28: Jeroboam's reign was a prosperous one, but he did not restore Damascus and Hamath to Israel, nor had they once belonged to Judah. The text has been damaged in transmission, and the original reading is uncertain. Comments or Questions..

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