Monday, December 16, 2024

Reading for December 23rd

 Read 2 Kings 8.1-6. In 8.1-6: Elisha and the Shunammite woman. These verses refer to and may continue the stories in 4.8-37. In verse 1: Seven years is a round number for completeness, indicating that the famine was severe and long lasting. In verse 2: The land of the Philistines was along the southern coast of Palestine near the area known today as the Gaza strip. In verse 3: It is not clear who is trying to take the woman's land, but they are more than squatters, for they are making a legal claim. In verses 4-5: The miraculous part of the tale is the timing. The woman appeared just as the fascinated king was hearing the story of her involvement with Elisha. Gehazi appears here without reference to his leprosy. Either this episode is connected with 4.8-37 or it comes from a source completely apart from the story in ch. 5. However, the fact that Gehazi alone is speaking with the king may indicate that this story arose after Elisha's death. Comments or Questions..

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