Monday, May 15, 2023

Reading for May 23rd

 Read Genesis 17.15-27. In verses 15-16: God changes Sarai's name to Sarah to indicate that she is now clearly part of the promise. She will be the mother of the long expected child and of future kings. In verses 17-22: Abraham laughs at the thought that he and Sarah will have a child at their ages of 100 and 90 years old. Abraham pleads with God to keep Ishmael, who is now 13 years old, as the promised son son rather than wait for yet another son (v. 18). But God insists that Sarah will have another son whose name will be Isaac, which means "he laughs." The theme of laughter and Isaac will come up again (18.12-15; 21.5-6). God also responds to Abraham's concern for Ishmael. God promises to bless him, make him exceedingly numerous, and a great nation. These are the same promises that Abraham originally received (12.1-3) and that now extend to Isaac as the child of promise. Comments or Questions..

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