Sunday, January 22, 2023

Reading for January 30th


In 4.1-6.20: This section contains exhortations to unity and full stature in Christ, admonitions against vice, encouragements to worship and even household rules, in order to participate in the love of  Christ. Much of this material is also in Col 3.1-4.6.

Read Ephesians 4.1-16. In 4.1-16: Maintain Unity. Unity comes from the Spirit (vv.1-6), and the diversity of gifts of the Spirit brings the church to maturity (vv. 7-16). In verse 1: Calling, see 1.18; 2.11. In verse 2:Patience, literally, the ability to endure the pressure of heat. In verses 7-10: Ps 68.18 explains the origin (Christ) and goal (Christ's filling) of Christian gifts. In verses 11-16: The gifts are essential for the church to reach maturity (contrasted with immaturity). Comments or Questions..

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