Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Reading for December 21st

 Read Jonah 4.1-11. In 4.1-11: God's lesson to Jonah. In the final episode of Jonah's story, the prophet's self interest is contrasted with God's compassion for others, even for those people considered enemies of Israel and Judah. In verse 2: Jonah says "You are a gracious God and merciful," he is quoting an ancient Israelite creedal statement affirming God's compassion for the repentant and judgment on the unrepentant (Ex 34.6-7; Joel 2.12) In verse 6: The castor bean, the best suggestion for the Hebrew "qiqayon" (rendered here bush), is a perennial herb whose oil was used in antiquity for medicine and as fuel for oil lamps, its large leaves could provide a modest amount of shade. In verse 11: The final phrase of the story, many animals, recalls the repentance of the animals in 3.7, and not without a bit of humor and irony, emphasizes again the extent of God's compassion. Comments or Questions..

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