Sunday, December 4, 2022

Reading for December 12th

 Read 2 Corinthians 11.16-33. In 11.16-33: A fool speaks. In verse 18: They boast in self-achievements (10.2-4). In verse 19: This recalls Paul's description of the "spiritual people"  in 1 Cor 4. 10. In verse 20: They submit to the false apostles' demands for money. In verse 22; these labels identify them as Jewish Christians. Unlike Paul's opponents in Galatia, they do not require circumcision and observance of the law (Gal 5.2-6). In verse 23: Ministers of Christ: their language is Christian (11.4). Madman 5.13. In verses 23-27: This list of hardships is longer and more detailed than others (6.4-10). Acts 13-28 confirms many of these details. In verse 24: This indicates Paul was under synagogue jurisdiction. In verse 28: Anxiety: This was especially seen in the way he awaited Titus' report (2.12-13; 7.5, 13; 1 Thess 2). In verses 30-33: This episode caps the list of hardships. In verse 31: The use of the oath underscores that the claims that follow will be hard to believe (Gal 1.20). In verses 32-33: This may be the escape referred to in Acts 9.23-25. Comments or Questions..

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