Thursday, December 8, 2022

Reading for December 16th

 Read Obadiah Verses 1-14. In verses 1-7: The fall of Edom. Obadiah announces the sentence for Edom's crimes. In verse 1; This messenger is a member of the heavenly council sent to announce God's plans. In verse 3: The clefts of the rock refer tot he mountain range, rising sharply to the east of the Jordan rift valley, on which Edom was located. In verse 6: Esau, the ancestor of the Edomites (Gen 25.30), is used by Obadiah as a synonym for Edom. In verse 7: Those who ate your bread are the allies mentioned earlier in the verse. Alliances were sealed by covenant meals (Gen 31.44-46). In verses 8-14: Edom's betrayal of Judah. Obadiah lists the  details of Edom's exploitation of Judah following Babylon's destruction of Jerusalem (587 BCE). In verse 9: Teman is either synonym for Edom or the name of a section or city in Edom. Mount Esau maybe a particular Edomite mountain or the mountain range on which Edom was located. In verse 10: Jacob, the brother of Edom's ancestor Esau (Gen 25.24-26), is used by Obadiah to represent the citizen's of Jerusalem and Judah. In verse 11: Jerusalem is the capital of Judah. Comments or Questions..

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